Tekniikan akateemiset TEK

Piirroskuvassa palkansaajia.
Work life

Money goes where money is

News article
Work life

YTN issues a strike warning to the technology industry – see if the strike affects you

News article
Technology and innovation

Engineers of Hope: Solving Global Crises Through Innovation

Event |

Securing Your Innovation: The Essential IP Guide for Small Businesses

Event |
Collective Bargaining in 2024-2025 ‹
Collective agreement negotiations have started or are about to start in sectors where many TEK members are working. Read more about the negotiations!

What is TEK?

TEK is a trade union for academic engineers and architects in Finland.

In Finland, trade unions work closely with the employers’ organisations to ensure that the Finnish market is open, fair and competitive. On a personal level, this means that we negotiate the framework for employment conditions and salaries on your behalf, to make sure you have fair working conditions.

We are a professional organisation that supports you in your career. By becoming a member, you will have access to our experts, who can advise you on any issues regarding your work life in Finland. Through our services, we will help you make informed choices in all aspects of your career, from how to get your foot in the market to navigating Finnish work life.

Get to know our services in more detail below.

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Services and benefits

As a TEK member you have access to the best tools for building your career, as well as valuable benefits!

Employment and law

Job search and career


Unemployment insurance

Work life in Finland


Membership benefits

Events and trainings


Get to know all services and benefits

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How can we best serve you?

We offer a wide range of membership services to support you at different stages in your career. 



Job seeker



If you're not yet a TEK member, join now!

Latest news and blogs

Hankamäki Teemu
Work life
News article

YTN issues a strike warning to the technology industry – see if the strike affects you

YTN, which negotiates salaries also for many TEK members, issued a strike warning for the technology industry. The strike is threatened on four Fridays. In this article, we put together some questions and answers on the subject.
Opiskelijoita keskustelemassa rimaseinän edessä
Blog post

Blog: Financial worries threaten student wellbeing, innovation and retention

The poor employment situation is giving engineering students both short- and long-term fears.
Kuvassa on TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen.
Blog post

Together we make a bigger impact

At TEK, we often work together with our partners to influence legislation and social decision-making that concerns TEK members.
TEKin hallituksen puheenjohtaja Mari-Leena Talvitie
Blog post

Thank you, thank you and thank you

Although I am leaving TEK’s management, TEK is not leaving me.
Teemu Hankamäki istuu tyhjässä neuvotteluhuoneessa.
Work life
News article

Negotiations on salaries are stalled

Collective agreement negotiations for senior salaried employees is making slow progress as the employers' association Technology Industry Employers of Finland and the employees' Industrial Union have not reached an agreement.
Owain Hopeaketo istuu toimiston pöydän kulmalla.
Blog post

Owain’s corner: Technology is missing from the language debate

The language debate is changing, but our discussion points about it are not.
Kaksi haalaripukuista henkilöä kävelee.
News article

The official TEK overall badge competition has started!

Suggest a slogan or a design for a TEK overall badge by 2nd March – your idea might come alive!
Piirretty hahmo jolla on kädessään juustohöylä.
News article

Unemployment benefits weakened significantly

The year 2024 brought major changes to unemployment benefits.
Piirroskuvassa palkansaajia.
Work life
News article

Money goes where money is

TEK members earn highest salaries in finance and trade. The lowest salary levels are found in the university sector.