

We wish to support our members in taking care of their wellbeing at work.

From time to time even the most professional workers will experience self-doubt, stress and may even fear burnout. Here at TEK we are aware of the challenges our members face in work life and we want to work actively to make sure that our members' wellbeing is taken care of.

Auntie's discussion packages

Does work stress interfere with your sleep? Do you have challenges in starting your work day? We offer full members of TEK the opportunity for two low-threshold discussions with an Auntie professional.

In a one-to-one discussion, you can get quick help to map your own situation as well as exercises to apply to your everyday life.

Auntie is a wellbeing service that provides support for stress, overwork, and finding lost motivation. Measurable results are achieved with conceptualized, fast-start service packages based on online meetings with an Auntie professional.

Tough Times

The Tough Times discussion package supports coping, well-being at work and managing one's own work. This service is intended for everyone who feels that they need a little support in their own coping or work situation.

The link to register for Auntie's services is available for our members and it can be found here, when you log in to the site. If you're not yet a member, join from the top corner of the page!

The partner services included in TEK's membership benefits and the benefits provided by the partners are subject to the the service provider's terms of service and data protection. 

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Promotion of interests produces well-being for members

One of TEK's most valuable services is promotion of interests in the labour market. It cannot be bought anywhere else.

The collective agreements have agreed on many welfare-enhancing provisions, such as 7.5-hour working hours instead of 8 hours, paid parental leave, paid sick time even after 9 days, and standby compensation.

Promotion of interests and collective bargaining plays a key role in whether we have the money, time and energy for family, friends, hobbies and other life outside of work.

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