Tekniikan akateemiset TEK

Timo Hallantie seisoo takanaan Bryssel.
Work life

Jobs the size of Europe

News article

Tech fields need more applicants

Blog post
Work life

When grief arrives at the workplace

News article

Are you a candidate in EU elections? Make a candidate page!

What is TEK?

TEK is a trade union for academic engineers and architects in Finland.

In Finland, trade unions work closely with the employers’ organisations to ensure that the Finnish market is open, fair and competitive. On a personal level, this means that we negotiate the framework for employment conditions and salaries on your behalf, to make sure you have fair working conditions.

We are a professional organisation that supports you in your career. By becoming a member, you will have access to our experts, who can advise you on any issues regarding your work life in Finland. Through our services, we will help you make informed choices in all aspects of your career, from how to get your foot in the market to navigating Finnish work life.

Get to know our services in more detail below.

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Services and benefits

As a TEK member you have access to the best tools for building your career, as well as valuable benefits!

Employment and law

Job search and career


Unemployment insurance

Work life in Finland


Membership benefits

Events and trainings


Get to know all services and benefits

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How can we best serve you?

We offer a wide range of membership services to support you at different stages in your career. 



Job seeker



If you're not yet a TEK member, join now!

Latest news and blogs

Teemu Hankamäki katsoo suoraan kameraan.
Work life
News article

TEK found 10 flaws in the bill on local collective bargaining – read the full list of proposed amendments

The Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK believes that the starting point for extending local collective bargaining should be a balance between freedoms and responsibilities. More freedoms are now being granted, but the equal conditions for contract negotiations and contract monitoring and sanctions are not addressed or increased. The bill should be amended in this respect.
Teemu Hankamäki katsoo kameraan sisätiloissa.
Work life
News article

TEK proposes giving up the staggering of earnings-related daily allowance – especially highly educated professionals would be hit hard

The Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK is opposed to the government’s proposal to lower the amount of earnings-related daily allowance, or the so-called staggering of earnings-related daily allowance. “Highly educated professionals have little influence over this, despite being active.”
TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen kuvattuna TEKin toimistolla
News article

Spending limits session acknowledges conditions for growth, but flounders in other areas

TEK applauds the government for sticking to the RDI investment targets in its session on spending limits. However, the government scores lower in other areas, such as its earned income tax solution.
Mika Maliranta puhuu TEKin valtuustolle.
News article

Things look absolutely awful right now

Even zero growth would be an achievement for the Finnish economy this year. The numbers laid on the table by financial experts at TEK's Council Arena were so bleak that the entire audience listened to them in complete silence.
TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen kuvattuna TEKin toimistolla
Work life
Blog post

Number of Finns in EU positions is collapsing

It is important for EU institutions to have a good understanding of the conditions and situation in Finland as well.
Blog post

Tech fields need more applicants

We need every single tech professional and natural scientist, as we navigate digitalization and the green transition.
Owain Hopeaketo
Blog post

Owain's corner: Immigration is the key to Finland's future

The aim of my work is to improve the ability for international experts to both join TEK, and to find their place in Finnish society. That means it is a job of bridging gaps. These bridges cannot be built from one side alone.
Sali täynnä teekkareita.
News article

Teekkari humour is alive and well

The May Day aka vappu magazines published by teekkaris are greatly anticipated, loved, hated and frowned upon. This is how Tamppi is born.
Joukko ihmisiä istuu pöydän ääressä pohtimassa syntyjä syviä.
News article

Entrepreneurs did well – seeking more services

According to TEK’s labour market survey, the earnings of TEK entrepreneur members increased. The average income for full-time entrepreneurs rose by over 10%, and even part-time entrepreneurs saw a 9% increase.