Content about "work life"

What is going on in the work life of technology professionals in Finland?

Teemu Hankamäki katsoo suoraan kameraan.
The Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK believes that the starting point for extending local collective bargaining should be a balance between freedoms and responsibilities. More freedoms are now being granted, but the equal conditions for contract negotiations and contract monitoring and sanctions are not addressed or increased. The bill should be amended in this respect.
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Teemu Hankamäki katsoo kameraan sisätiloissa.
The Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK is opposed to the government’s proposal to lower the amount of earnings-related daily allowance, or the so-called staggering of earnings-related daily allowance. “Highly educated professionals have little influence over this, despite being active.”
News article

Mika Maliranta puhuu TEKin valtuustolle.
Even zero growth would be an achievement for the Finnish economy this year. The numbers laid on the table by financial experts at TEK's Council Arena were so bleak that the entire audience listened to them in complete silence.
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TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen kuvattuna TEKin toimistolla
It is important for EU institutions to have a good understanding of the conditions and situation in Finland as well.
Blog post

Kaksi kättä muodostavat sydämen.

Kynttilä ja kehyksissä oleva kuva tyhjässä kokoushuoneessa.
A specialist from the Surevan kohtaaminen project and two people who have lost a loved one talk about how workplaces should prepare for cases of death and how you can support a bereaved colleague.
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Kättelevät ihmiset
TEK and Ekonomit propose a new migration pathway to Finland to attract talent. Like in Canada, it would offer immigrants the opportunity to obtain an immediate permanent residence permit, with selections for this proposed pathway made on a points basis. Points could be awarded for having expertise in areas suffering labour shortages, or based on education and language skills.
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Kaksi henkilöä keskustelee, pöydällä on puhelin ja avoin opas.
TEK has decided not to participate in political demonstrations.
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Vihkoja, kirjoja, kyniä ja sakset työpöydällä
Here you can find information on some of the most common employment terms and standards in Finland.

Joukko ihmisiä istuu pöydän ääressä.
The Finnish labour market is based on a collaborative approach with all societal parties involved in the market. TEK represents the interests of our members and promotes good working conditions for all.

Industrial Employees TP published a report on the actions and goals of employer organisations entitled “Missä mennään, Eteläranta? Työnantajapuolen toiminta ja tavoitteet työmarkkinoiden murroksessa”.
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When used correctly, performance bonuses are a motivating bonus system. However, from a labour law perspective, there are a lot of things that can be unclear about performance bonuses.
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Kaksi henkilöä istuu pöydän ääressä.
A majority of TEK’s members doesn’t support participating in the demonstrations. TEK will continue its advocacy work towards the government.
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Piirros henkilöstä, joka kävelee poispäin sylissään huonekasvi ja olallaan euro-merkkinen kassi.
The so-called unemployment pathway to early retirement (eläkeputki in Finnish) is being phased out, and it will be replaced by the new transition security allowance for those who have reached the age of 55 years and have been dismissed from their job.
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Susanna Bairoh.
Attempts have been made to increase the number of women in the field of technology for decades. However, the attempts have not been successful: In Finland, only one in five technology professionals is a woman. It is often argued that women lack an innate interest in technology. However, the lack of interest is not the cause but the consequence: the technology industry is structured to be masculine.
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Kaksi henkilöä keskustelee, toinen on pyörätuolissa.
The reform of the Act clarified the employer's duty to promote equality and to prepare equality promotion plans in addition to improving the legal protection of employees.
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Pöydällä papereita ja kalenteri.
TEK's Project Manager Owain Hopeaketo asked Finnish tech companies on their best tips for job search. Check out what they said.
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Teemu Hankamäki katsoo sivulle.
The methods are many, said the farmer when he drove his tractor through the wall of the barn. With a similar approach, the government is relentlessly promoting labor market-related legal changes that have been recorded in the government program, despite the proposals and opposition of trade unions.
Blog post

Henkilö katsoo puhelinta.
62 percent of tech students use generative artificial intelligence tools in their studies. According to surveys conducted by TEK in the autumn of 2023, AI tools have been adopted faster in studies than in working life. However, there is a lot of uncertainty among tech students about the use of artificial intelligence. Respondents in working life, on the other hand, are very confident about the continuation of their own employment despite the increasing use of AI tools.
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Kaksi kypäräpäistä työmaalla.
According to the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK’s labour market survey, the most common reason for a salary increase was the general increase agreed in the collective agreement.
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Kaksi henkilöä katsoo läppäriä työpöydän ääressä.
As forerunners in technology, we bear a great responsibility for making ethical choices and considering impact, because technology often develops faster than regulation.

Henkilöitä istuu TEK Loungessa Tampereella.
The position of trust allows the employee to have a say in workplace matters together with the employer. Many workplaces in the private sector will soon be electing new shop stewards. Have you considered running for the position?
Blog post

50 euron seteli roikkuu ilmapalloon kiinnitettynä taivaalla.
Many of the top earners in 2022 work in the tech industry. But why do only the men in tech seem to make it to the top of the income ladder?
Blog post

How does working life change when the technology sector becomes international? Can international students find a career in Finland and what is it like to build a life in Finland as an immigrant? Find out in TEK's studies.

Käsi kirjoittaa kynällä, jonka päässä on punainen viiri.
The aim of the act is to protect whistleblowers who report breaches of laws that they detect in the course of their work.
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Teemu Hankamäki seisoo neuvotteluhuoneessa.
TEK’s Labour Market Director Teemu Hankamäki deplores Government’s idea to lower the threshold for dismissal.
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Ihminen istuu kasvot käsiinsä haudattuina, iso tumma varjo tavoittelee ihmistä.
At its worst, harassment can harm an employee’s mental health. A survey of the affiliates of Akava found that only less than a third of employers have intervened with sexual harassment that constitutes a criminal offence. Employees demand more effective measures.
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Piirros työtuolista, jonka istuin- ja selkänojaan on asetettu piikki.
Both employers and employees should respond to harassment.
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Essi Isohanni treenaamassa ulkokuntosalilla.
The endurance levels of the Finnish population have fallen so low that the issue poses a severe threat to employees’ ability to function. Nobody can be forced to exercise, but employers can do something to help make it possible.
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Pöydällä on tietokone, kahvikuppi, banaani ja älypuhelin
The employment situation of professionals with a higher education degree in technology has remained good, but the number of unemployed people in the fields of architecture and construction has increased by no less than 64 per cent over the past year.
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Perhe rannalla.
Russia’s attack on Ukraine brought Valentyna and Sergii Kononenko to Finland ahead of schedule to work and to look for a job.
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People in an office
The government’s policies will make life in Finland harder for people with a foreign background and reduce the attractiveness of Finland in the international labour market.
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Tuulivoimaloiden pienoismallit
Universities need to place more emphasis on green skills.
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Viisi henkilöä juttelemassa pöydän ääressä, seinällä valotaulu jossa lukee "upeaa työtä"
A change in attitude is necessary and the responsibility belongs to everyone in the workplace.
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Lakiasiantuntija, asiakas, lakipalvelu, toimisto
The new Government Programme recognizes the importance of education, competence, and research, development and innovation activities. However, the Programme does not appear to be in balance when it comes to labour market issues, putting not only employees but also local cooperation in a precarious position.
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Merina Salmisen blogii
What was once tolerated, is no longer considered appropriate. This change has happened gradually.
Blog post

Neljä henkilöä istuu pöydän ääressä läppärin ja kahvikuppien kanssa.
A clear majority are proud of working or studying in the field of technology. A pioneering study by Engineers Finland is the first in Finland to examine the sense of belonging in the field. Approximately 80% of the respondents felt they belong in the field.
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People in an office
Immigrants have a difficult labor market situation. Many of the disadvantages they face derive directly from discrimination and prejudice in recruitment practices and hiring on the part of employers.
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