Content about "society"

Kuvassa on TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen.
Future growth needs skills and talent. The savings from the government discussion on spending limits must be found from outside these areas.
News article

Kaksi henkilöä istuu pöydän ääressä.
A majority of TEK’s members doesn’t support participating in the demonstrations. TEK will continue its advocacy work towards the government.
News article

Nuori mies istuu kannettavan tietokoneen äärellä kotonaan.
Samuli Hietala and Atte Rimppi want to expand the narrow definition of an ideal man. They provide low-threshold mental health support for young men and offer them a space to be heard.
News article

TEKin hallituksen puheenjohtaja Mari-Leena Talvitie
Our message is that education policy is the most important tool for the Finnish innovation policy and sustainable economic growth.
Blog post

Kuvassa on TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen.
The economic forecast for Finland is foggy, to say the least.
Blog post

TEK-ministerit yhteiskuvassa.
TEK is opposed to the entries in the government programme that jeopardise the position of international talent.
News article

The government's budget session has been wrapped up. There are good things to say about RDI, both good and bad about the funding for education, and something to criticize in the discussion concerning the reduction of insurance contributions.
Blog post

People in an office
The government’s policies will make life in Finland harder for people with a foreign background and reduce the attractiveness of Finland in the international labour market.
News article

Viisi henkilöä juttelemassa pöydän ääressä, seinällä valotaulu jossa lukee "upeaa työtä"
A change in attitude is necessary and the responsibility belongs to everyone in the workplace.
News article

Lakiasiantuntija, asiakas, lakipalvelu, toimisto
The new Government Programme recognizes the importance of education, competence, and research, development and innovation activities. However, the Programme does not appear to be in balance when it comes to labour market issues, putting not only employees but also local cooperation in a precarious position.
News article