Puhelin seisoo kolmijalalla järven edustalla, ruudulla lukee TEK's election

Candidates in TEK's election

Get to know the candidates and electoral alliances!

Electoral platforms of electoral alliances and coalitions 

Kestävä TEK (Sustainable TEK) electoral coalition

Vasemmisto (Left Alliance)

Vihreät (The Greens)

Edunvalvontarengas (Coalition for Promotion of Interests)


Keskusta (Centre Party)

Kokoomus (National Coalition Party)

Sosialidemokraatit (Social Democrats)

Tulevaisuuden TEK (TEK of the Future) electoral coalition

Yhtenäisyys ja Teekkarihenki

TEKin Nuoret (TEK Youth)

TFiF's electoral district


Kaksi henkilöä keskustelee, pöydällä on puhelin ja avoin opas.

Get to know the candidates in the election engine

You can get to know the candidates even better in the election engine, where you can respond to the statements and see which candidates in your area agree with you.

Open the election engine