Content about "elections"

Kuvassa on TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen.
It would not be such a bad idea to transfer state-owned shares to universities where their return would provide sustainable funding without having to remain within the state expenditure framework.
Blog post

The final meeting of the term of TEK’s current Council was held in Tripla 23–24 March 2023.
News article

Henkilöllä on kädessä puhelin, jonka näytöllä lukee TEK's election.
The 70 seats on the TEK General Council have been filled at the election. Politically aligned electoral alliances won extra seats. More members than before voted electronically, and the charity campaign raised almost €35,000.
News article

Henkilö tutkii Itämerta.
A total of 11,652 electronic votes were cast in TEK’s General Council election. For each electronic vote, TEK promised to donate 3 euros to an environmental cause, and electronic voters also got to choose the cause they wanted to support. The most votes were given to a donation for the Baltic Sea through John Nurminen Foundation.
News article

Eduskuntatalo, Töölönlahti
Members of the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK are in the middle of a busy election spring.
News article

Every single candidate in the upcoming elections is a standard-bearer of democracy.
Blog post

Puhelin seisoo kolmijalalla järven edustalla, ruudulla lukee TEK's election
Get to know the candidates and electoral alliances!

Henkilöllä on kädessä puhelin, jonka näytöllä lukee TEK's election.
A total of 70 General Council members will be elected in TEK’s election in March to represent almost 80,000 TEK members both within TEK and more broadly in the labour market. A total of 406 candidates are standing for election.
News article

Isä ja tytär ovat pöydän ääressä syömässä. Isä lukee lisäksi lehteä ja tytär tekee läksyjä.
TEK has 18 parliamentary election goals. Not all goals will be met this time either.
News article

Kuvassa on TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen.
Vote in the TEK General Council elections and the Finnish parliamentary elections.
Blog post