Content about "employment and law"

Kaksi henkilöä keskustelee pöydän ääressä.
TEK’s lawyers help you with the legal matters of work life. We provide advice to all our members, whether they are employees, employers or entrepreneurs.

Opiskelijoita istuu LUT-yliopiston nurmikolla.
As TEK's student member you have access to a variety of benefits and services to support your career. Join your professional community now – student membership is free of charge!

Työnantaja ja työntekijä sopimuksen ääressä.
Is there something you would like to ask about fixed-term employment contracts? In this article, we have collected answers to some of the most common questions about fixed-term employment contracts.
News article

Information and advice on making an employment contract.

Henkilö työskentelemässä tietokoneella ja puhelimella
Looking for a summer job or a thesis job? Should you join an unemployment fund? What kind of salary you should ask for?

Kaksi henkilöä keskustelemassa, taustalla muita ihmisiä
If you are already running your own business or considering setting up your own company, it is worth getting to know our services!

Kolme henkilöä kävelee ja pyöräilee rakennusten edessä.
Are you about to graduate or have you already completed your degree? Congratulations! As a recent graduate, you get full TEK membership at a discounted price for the first year.

Henkilöitä TEK Loungessa, henkilökunta, jäsenet, työyhteisö
We at TEK offer a wide range of membership services to support you at different stages in your career. Find out which services and benefits serve you best!

Eduskuntatalon pylväikköä kuvassa.
The government plans to pass laws to abolish at least child increases, the 300-euro exempt amount of earned income and the job alternation leave system and to decrease the level of unemployment security, according to a list of legislative changes published by the KOKO unemployment fund.
News article

Piirrustus, jossa kaksi ihmishahmoa seisoo suuren kellotaulun ääressä, toisella on kädessään harppi.
Underperformance is a term that is commonly used by employers, but it has no precise legal meaning.
News article

Henkilö suttaa kalenteria piirroskuvassa.
In this article, we have collected answers to the most common questions about lay-offs.
News article

Lakikirja, selata, lakitieto
Here you will find legal information regarding work and employment relationships.

Kuva lomailijasta
It is worth keeping in mind that employers are under no obligation to allow employees to take their holiday in several short periods.
News article

In what situations is it possible to make a fixed-term employment contract? Information about fixed-term employments.

Are you considering resigning? Read what you have to take account of when you resign.

Information about agreements made for terminating an employment on mutual understanding.

What is included in the working hours? In which situations is time spent on travelling included in working hours?

Information about non-competition agreements and competing activities.

The period of notice is part of a normal employment relationship, during which both parties must keep fulfilling the duties they have due to the employment relationship.

When can an employee terminate the employment? What process must be followed?