Content about "family and work life"

mies, lapsi

Timo Hallantie seisoo takanaan Bryssel.
Timo Hallantie allocates EU money to breakthrough technologies and encourages to apply for EU jobs.
News article

Kuvassa on TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen.
Many key terms and conditions are laid down in collective agreements and not in, say, the Finnish law.
Blog post

TEK develops member services that make an impact based on what we know about the wishes and needs of TEK members.
Blog post

Piirroskuva jossa ihmishahmoja
Future work life may be better than before, but you should be prepared for these changes.
News article

Merina Salmisen blogii
The silent acceptance of racism can no longer be tolerated.
Blog post

Eduskuntatalon pylväikköä kuvassa.
The government plans to pass laws to abolish at least child increases, the 300-euro exempt amount of earned income and the job alternation leave system and to decrease the level of unemployment security, according to a list of legislative changes published by the KOKO unemployment fund.
News article

Isä ja vauva
The law sets the amount of family leave, but the extent to which that leave is paid is agreed in collective bargaining.
Blog post

Kaksi naisoletettua seisoo valkoisen rakennuksen edessä, toinen antaa toiselle poskisuudelman.
TEK is proud to be an official support partner of Helsinki Pride for the fourth year and is continuing its work for more equal working life.
News article

Two hands: one is an adult hand and the other a hand of a baby.
The new collective agreement for senior salaried employees in the consulting sector has been accepted. The new agreement covers some 25 000 employees.
News article