SITP, robottibussi, Sensible4

Awards and competitions

We give out annual awards to the best theses and studies by children and adolescents. TEK and TFiF also present the Finnish Engineering Award, which is worth 30 000 euros.

Exceptional talents in technology from children and adolescents all the way to students and seasoned professionals deserve recognition. We are happy and proud to award them with this recognition. We have granted various awards already for several decades, including some of the most prestigious recognitions in the field of engineering in Finland.

Finnish Engineering Award

TEK and TFiF annually present a 30 000-euro award to an individual or a team that has remarkably advanced technical competence in Finland. The development and utilization of technical competence often requires persistent efforts, which are difficult to measure. We want to shine the spotlight on this important work and acknowledge outstanding success.  

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Doctoral thesis award

TEK and TFiF present an annual doctoral thesis award to acknowledge a high-quality doctoral thesis by international standards which has remarkably advanced competence in the field of technology in Finland. The award is worth 7 500 euros.

We ask suggestions for award winners from professors at universities with technology departments. If you want to nominate your own work, please talk to the professors at your university.

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Master’s thesis awards 

TEK and TFiF present an annual master’s thesis award (in Finnish, diplomityöpalkinto) to acknowledge a high-quality master’s thesis by a graduated academic engineer or architect. The assessment criteria for the nominees focus especially on the wide-ranging analysis, novelty value and applicability of the topic. The award is worth 5 000 euros.

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MAL presents an annual master's thesis award (in Finnish, pro gradu -palkinto) to acknowledge a high-quality master's thesis in mathematics, physics or computer science. The award highlights studies in mathematics, physics and computer science and underlines the importance of these disciplines in the Finnish society. The award is worth 5 000 euros.

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Read more about thesis award winners of 2023 ‹
They examined photodiodes, weather balloons and the detection of Parkinson’s disease.


TuKoKe, or Tutki-Kokeile-Kehitä (Research, Experiment, Develop), is a competition for children and youth aged 4–20 who are interested in science and technology. Participants can enter the competition with a study, a project or an invention in any discipline, either individually or as a group. Participation in TuKoKe is free of charge. TEK organizes the TuKoKe competition every year together with Development Centre Opinkirjo.

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Millenium, palkinto, robotti, tekniikka, tulevaisuus

Millennium Technology Prize

The biannually awarded Millennium Technology Prize is the world’s largest recognition for a technological innovation. The Prize is awarded by Technology Academy Finland (TAF). TEK is a founding member of the foundation that awards the Millennium Technology Prize. 

Read more on TAF's website