Content about "Education"

We need every single tech professional and natural scientist, as we navigate digitalization and the green transition.
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TEKin hallituksen puheenjohtaja Mari-Leena Talvitie
Our message is that education policy is the most important tool for the Finnish innovation policy and sustainable economic growth.
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Tuulivoimaloiden pienoismallit
Universities need to place more emphasis on green skills.
News article

mies, nainen, valkoinen kypärä
We need more engineers to facilitate the sustainability transition. There is also a need not only for STEM skills, but also many other competencies, such as systems thinking and data expertise. However, as TEK's Graduate Survey reveals, there is a lot of variation in the level of sustainability skills between different fields of education.
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Tuomas Olkku istuu kannettavan tietokoneen ääressä, käsissään kynä ja vihko.
The competition for research grants is fierce. A grant foundation and a post doc researcher share some advice on how to write a good application.
News article

Finland has lost its top position in education and competence. At the same time, our neighbouring country Estonia has swept past us and become a paragon for education. How did Estonia achieve first place in PISA and why has Finland fallen behind? Published on Friday, 2 December 2022, a report commissioned by several trade unions looks for answers to these important questions concerning knowledge and skills.
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Vastaanottajat. Erikoissuunnittelija Marianne Muurinen (vasemmalla alarivissä), TEKin opiskelijayhdyshenkilö Rita Ojaniemi, koulutuspäällikkö Sari Stenvall-Virtanen, dekaani Jaakko Järvi (vasemmalla ylärivissä), professori Pasi Liljeberg ja yritysyhteistyöjohtaja Timo Vasankari vastailivat ystävällisesti ja asettautuivat kuvaan vasta-avatussa TFiF & TEK Loungessa Aurumissa Henrikinkadulla, kun TEK-lehden toimitus vieraili Turussa kyselemässä kuulumisia.
The Faculty of Technology at the University of Turku further adds to the density of academic engineers in southwestern Finland.
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Juhani Nokela TEKin töissä
Expanding higher education is necessary, but it must not be done by scattering it wider but by consolidating high-quality operations even further under the same roofs.
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Mies esittelee tussitaulua, jossa matemaattisia kaavoja
The engineering community plays a key role in the transition towards a circular economy. The skills needed in a circular society require changes in all higher education in the field of technology, the report states.
Blog post

Mies esittelee tussitaulua, jossa matemaattisia kaavoja
Jari Jokinen from TEK: It would make more sense to improve the resourcing of existing educational establishments.
News article