Content about "academic engineer"

Kaksi kypäräpäistä työmaalla.
According to the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK’s labour market survey, the most common reason for a salary increase was the general increase agreed in the collective agreement.
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Piirroskuva jossa ihmishahmoja
Future work life may be better than before, but you should be prepared for these changes.
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Ostoskärry makaa kyljellään lumessa.
The median monthly salary of university-educated engineers increased last year by 3.7 percent from the previous year to 5 420 euros. Despite this, the purchasing power of academic engineers declined, because consumer prices increased by 8.3 percent at the same time. TEK’s Labour Market Director Teemu Hankamäki calls on companies to take responsibility for the issue.
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Vastaanottajat. Erikoissuunnittelija Marianne Muurinen (vasemmalla alarivissä), TEKin opiskelijayhdyshenkilö Rita Ojaniemi, koulutuspäällikkö Sari Stenvall-Virtanen, dekaani Jaakko Järvi (vasemmalla ylärivissä), professori Pasi Liljeberg ja yritysyhteistyöjohtaja Timo Vasankari vastailivat ystävällisesti ja asettautuivat kuvaan vasta-avatussa TFiF & TEK Loungessa Aurumissa Henrikinkadulla, kun TEK-lehden toimitus vieraili Turussa kyselemässä kuulumisia.
The Faculty of Technology at the University of Turku further adds to the density of academic engineers in southwestern Finland.
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Asad Awan, the winner of this year’s doctoral thesis award, paves the way for the successor to the alternating-current motor developed by Nikola Tesla.
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