Content about "local operations"

Lakiasiantuntija, asiakas, lakipalvelu, toimisto
The new Government Programme recognizes the importance of education, competence, and research, development and innovation activities. However, the Programme does not appear to be in balance when it comes to labour market issues, putting not only employees but also local cooperation in a precarious position.
News article

Ihmisiä istuskelemassa viihtyisässä tilassa
TEK Lounge is a space for all TEK members. Visit our Lounges in Helsinki, Tampere, Lappeenranta and Turku!

Cutting down on labour costs does not result in a competitive edge on the long term, says Teemu Hankamäki. Instead of reduced salaries, we should be talking about expertise and quality.
News article

TEK and Suomen Ekonomit invited their international members and returned expats to celebrate the 100-year-old Finland together in Ravintola Kaisaniemi in Helsinki on the 18th May.
News article