Content about "work life"

Three people talking in an office space.

Henkilön kädessä on kynä ja pöydällä on avoin opas.
Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK is opposed to the 3- or 6-month unemployment rule proposed by the government. For technology professionals, getting a new job after unemployment is a long and specialised process, which is not taken into account sufficiently in the proposal.
News article

Teemu Hankamäki katsoo kameraan sisätiloissa.
The Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK is opposed to the idea of restricting conciliation through legislation, as this is detrimental to free sectoral wage formation.
News article

Kuvassa toimistokenkä ja tennari.
August saw the end of job alternation leave and September will bring even stricter terms for accessing the earnings-related unemployment allowance.
News article

Eduskuntatalon julkisivu.
Akava considers the government's proposal to alter the labour market model unnecessary and anticipates that it will cause instability and uncertainty in the labour market.
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Daniel Valtakari katsoo iloisena kameraan.
Daniel Valtakari was elected as the chairperson of UNI Global’s Professionals and Managers group. UNI Global is an international umbrella organization for trade unions.
News article

Philipp Holtkamp ja Hanna Turpeinen
The University of Vaasa works closely with other universities, the city, local businesses and other actors in the region. This benefits students, businesses and the society.
News article

Henkilö seisoo muuttolaatikoiden keskellä.
The societal debate on immigration is a major source of concern for international experts in the field of technology, with as many as 89% of them find the immigration debate worrying. Only 52% of the international tech experts surveyed would recommend Finland as a place to live and work.
News article

TEKin toiminnanjohtaja Jari Jokinen kuvattuna TEKin toimistolla
In Finland, we should be creating more work that is so productive that it is worth paying generously for and also taking good care of the people behind it.
Blog post

Mario Fürst
Being a shop steward is quite similar in Austria and Finland, says Mario Fürst, Automation Engineer and shop steward from Borealis Austria. He visited TEK for 3,5 weeks as a part of his shop steward training.
News article