02 Job search


There is a number of ways to search for job opportunities and internship positions. Get to know the online job portals, meet employers at recruitment events, use social media in your advantage and learn how to detect hidden jobs.


Where to find jobs?

You can find a job practically anywhere. It is a good idea to follow job sites or social media and meet employers at recruitment events. You might even get a tip about a job from an acquaintance or other network. Contacting an employer requires groundwork and a dash of courage, but it can open doors either now or in the future.

Career support by the university

Universities publish job ads and internship or theses work offers in their own portals. They also invite employer to campuses for students to meet and discuss career opportunities. Make sure to use the opportunities on your own campus actively.  Get to know the Career Services offered to students in your own university. 

Make yourself visible

Employers are often actively looking for suitable candidates themselves, so it is also important to be discoverable. Sometimes it can be hard to know where to start. We have put together some tips to help you get started in your search for a summer job, internship or thesis placement.