Young candidates and politically actives collected votes

News article

In TEK's General Council Elections the young increased their seats the most. Largest shares of votes went to politically active candidates. Many seats were decided in a draw.

Seventy members were elected in March to serve on the General Council of TEK for the coming three-year term.

Kokoomus (National Coalition Party) returned as the largest electoral alliance represented on the General Council with 17 seats. Yhtenäinen TEK ja Teekkarihenki lost their position as the largest alliance, as they gathered 16 seats. Third biggest electoral alliance is iTyö with 13 seats. TEKin Nuoret increased their seat number the most; they got five additional seats raising their total number of seats to 11. Vasemmisto (Left Alliance), a new alliance in the General Council, got one seat. 

The representation of women on the new General Council will be 49 per cent, which is a small increase to 47 per cent of the previous General Council. The average age of the General Council members is 48, which is one year more than before. The age range of ordinary members is from 25 to 77. 


Nearly 51,000 members were eligible to vote in the TEK election. There were 481 candidates. The overall turnout was 26 per cent, which increased the voting activity by 14 per cent since the election in 2017.

The election was conducted by a combination ballot, with members given the choice of voting either electronically or by post. A total of 13,100 votes were cast, of which 10,605 were cast electronically. 81 per cent of total votes were electronic. In the previous election in 2017 69 per cent of total votes were cast electronically.

The new General Council will hold its organisation meeting on 3 - 4 September, where it will elect a new Executive Council for the coming three-year term of office.


The leading vote-puller in the largest, southern electoral district was the chairman of TEK’s board, Marjo Matikainen-Kallström (kok, Espoo) with 266 votes. She also collected the largest number of votes per candidate. The second largest number of votes, 184, went to Saara Hyrkkö (vihr, Espoo). The third largest share of votes, 159, went to Jyrki Kasvi (vihr, Espoo).

The most popular candidate in the western electoral district was Arto Timperi (yht, Tampere) with 100 votes. The second most popular candidate with 98 votes in the district was Antti Ivanoff (kok, Tampere).

The largest share of votes in the eastern electoral district was won by Ari Korpelainen (iTyö, Joensuu) with 65 votes, followed by Risto Varala’s (yht, Lappeenranta) 60 votes.

The most votes, 113, in the northern region were cast for Mari-Leena Talvitie (kok, Oulu). The second most votes, 85, went to Mikko Merihaara (kok, Oulu).

The top vote-winner in the TFiF electoral district was Anne Granat-Jukakoski (tfif, Turku) with 113, followed by 96 votes for Jimmy Nylund (tfif, Helsinki). 

Many candidates received an equal number of votes, which lead to seats being decided in a draw.

Baltic Sea Action Group favoured by online voters

TEK is donating 3 euros per online voter to benefit the environment. The total donation summed up to EUR 31,820.

Online voters were able to select their preference from seven candidate charities. The Baltic Sea Action Group received the most votes, and we shall donate EUR 14,000 to its work to protect the Baltic Sea. The Finnish Nature League was first runner up, and the Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation secured third place. We shall donate EUR 9,750 to the environmental education programme of the Finnish Nature League for children and young adults, and EUR 8,070 to the old-growth forest protection work of the Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation. The donations have been shared between these causes in proportion to the number of votes cast for them.

TEK General Council 2020-2023

Ordinary and deputy members of the General Council in order of comparative index by electoral district and alliance. The name is followed by the number of individual votes received. 

29 new ordinary General Council members returned in this election are marked with (u) after the name. Some of the members designated as new were nevertheless involved in the work of the previous General Council as deputy members or have served as General Council members in earlier terms.

The electoral district of Tekniikan Akateemiset ry

Southern district

Anu Vaari 77
Seija Kyhälä 76 (u)
Piri Harju 53
Iiro Auterinen 44 (u)
Timo Kallio 42 (u)
Deputy members
Mari Siivola 42
Kirsi Kaasinen 36
Noora Koskivaara 35
Bilal Atiye 35
Maija Leino 34
Veikko Porra 34

Marjo Matikainen-Kallström 266
Sanna Perkiö 119
Lotta Forssell 92
Markku Markkula 91
Tero Anttila 76 (u)
Jouni Särkijärvi 75 (u)
Elina Wanne 62 
Janne Inkilä 55
Deputy members
Pirjo Kemppi-Virtanen 50
Petri Orava 49
Katja Rasi 47
Jussi Koskinen 46
Oskari Iivarinen 37
Mika Helenius 35
Eero Ojala 33
Juhani Horelli 30
Timo Nyman 27

Kaarin Taipale 41 (u)
Deputy members
Leena Westlund 32
Olli-Pekka Nyman 18

Yhtenäinen TEK ja Teekkarihenki
Matti Carpen 111 (u)
Risto Linturi 108 (u)
Mikko Salminen 100
Timo Ali-Vehmas 81
Kristiina Hartikainen 74
Mikko Seppäläinen 68
Virpi Paavola 59 (u)
Yrjö Neuvo 48
Deputy members
Tarmo Savolainen 48
Reetta Grenman 47
Teemu Muukkonen 43
Olli Nurminen 39
Katja Vahtikari 37
Kirsti Miettinen 36
Sebastian Knight 36
Panu Sainio 36
Heikki Hämmäinen 35

Saara Hyrkkö 184
Jyrki Kasvi 159
Atte Harjanne 121 (u)
Deputy members
Mikko Viilo 50
Aino Tuominen 39
Janne Peltola 35
Riku Merikoski 34

TEKin Nuoret 
Juho Salmi 68
Pia Humalajoki 50
Sonja Heikkilä 47 (u)
Pauliina Mäkkeli 43 (u)
Essi Puustinen 41 (u)
Sini Piiparinen 37 (u)
Deputy members
Anabel Perez Diaz 35
Antti Saarinen 34
Erkka Mutanen 32
Pipsa Penttinen 32
Salum Abdul-Rahman 30
Aliisa Pietilä 30
Elina Honkanen 28

Noora Laak 124 (u)
Deputy members
Jani Poikela 22
Erkki Hiltunen 21

Western district

Hannu Eskola 74
Jari Nummikoski 68
Sanna-Maarit Salo 50 (u)
Deputy members
Kaisa Juva 39
Leena Näppi 38
Aimo Leskelä 37
Mikko Siitonen 31

Seppo Pietiläinen 37 (u)
Deputy members
Kirsi Hassinen 32
Timo Martikainen 31

Antti Ivanoff 98
Johanna Ahopelto 56
Marjut Seppälä 55
Kari Jussila 45 (u)
Petri Nyberg 43
Deputy members
Tero Arvonen 37
Rauno Luoma 36
Juha Koski 36
Ari Anttila 34
Marianne Munkki 29
Matti Höyssä 28

Yhtenäinen TEK ja Teekkarihenki
Arto Timperi 100
Mika Hannula 74
Hannu-Matti Järvinen 66
Mika Uusi-Pietilä 65
Markku Kivikoski 53
Hannu von Essen 51
Elina Sillanpää 49
Deputy members
Sanni Kontinen 44
Essi Sarlin 44
Sanna Nokelainen 44
Ilkka Raatikainen 41
Heli Kellokoski 35
Ville Lahtinen 35
Minna Kantsila 31
Minna Takala 29

Minna Kilpala 74
Minna Haavisto 63 (u)
Deputy members
Katja Nisumaa-Saarela 48
Hannele Piitulainen 42
Jakke Mäkelä 36 

TEKin Nuoret 
Suvi Salomaa 70
Maija Laine 55 (u)
Juho Liljeroos 41 (u)
Deputy members
Markus Karppanen 40
Tomi Vaappo 40
Anna Kuusala 34
Essi Sariola-Leikas 32

Eastern district  

Ari Korpelainen 65
Petro Julkunen 52
Deputy members
Sanni Väisänen 33
Juha Korpijärvi 32
Hannu Peni 15

Kimmo Koskinen 59
Mari Kallioinen 53 (u)
Deputy members
Jussi Kasurinen 29
Pekka Riiali 21
Petteri Laaksonen 21

Yhtenäinen TEK ja Teekkarihenki
Risto Varala 60
Deputy members
Esa Halinen 36
Heli Viik 36

TEKin Nuoret 
Liisa Salminen 31 (u)
Deputy members
Tuuli Miinalainen 30
Topi Pekonen 29

Northern district

Marko Honkalampi 74
Hannele Aikio 40
Jaakko Savola 40 (u)
Deputy members
Esko Korhonen 40
Timo Kokkonen 40
Petri Aarnio 32
Mari-Selina Kantanen 25

Mari-Leena Talvitie 113
Mikko Merihaara 85
Deputy members
Markku Hentilä 31
Timo Lindborg 17
Olavi Kangas 13

Jenni Pitko 76
Deputy members
Aino-Kaisa Manninen 20
Hannele Lampela 13 

TEKin Nuoret 
Maija Niemi 34 (u) 
Deputy members
Matti Särkelä 31
Kati Hannila 26

The electoral district of Tekniska Föreningen i Finland TFiF 

Anne Granat-Jukakoski 113 (u)
Jimmy Nylund 96 (u)
Jenny Jensèn 91 (u)
Nora Möttönen 77 (u) 
Deputy members
Jens Back 69
Zacharias Aarnio 52
Petteri Suominen 27
Evgen Multia 4 

Changes in the balance of power on the General Council of TEK between 2014 and 2020
  Seats in 2020-2023 Change from the 2017 election Seats in 2017-2020 Seats in 2014-2017
Electoral district of Tekniikan Akateemiset (66 seats)        
Edunvalvontarengas coalition 32 * * *
iTyö (independent) 13 - 13 14
Keskusta (Centre Party) 1 - 1 2
Kokoomus (National Coalition Party) 17 - 17 21
SDP (Social Democratic Party) 1 - 1 1
Uudistuva TEK coalition 34 * * *
Yhtenäinen TEK ja Teekkarihenki (independent) 16 - 5 21 16
Vihreät (Green Party) 6 - 1 7 6
TEKin Nuoret (independent) 11 + 5 6 6
Vasemmisto (Left Alliance) 1 + 1 0 0
Electoral district of TFiF (4 seats)        
TFifarna (Swedish-speaking) 4 - 4 4
Total elected representatives 70 - 70 70

* The names of electoral coalitions and their constituent alliances have varied, preventing any comparison of seats won by these coalitions.
