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Remember to vote and run as a candidate in the 2022 county elections

News article

TEK offers its members running as candidates the possibility to create their own election page, which we will publish on our website.

Juhani Nokela, TEK’s Director of Public Affairs, recommends everyone to vote for TEK members in the upcoming county elections, and hopes to see many TEK members running as candidates.

Finland’s county elections will be held on January 23rd, 2022. In the county elections, regular and deputy members of the county councils for the 21 wellbeing services counties will be elected for the next four years.

No county elections will be conducted in Helsinki, since the City of Helsinki is not a wellbeing services county, nor does it belong to any of the wellbeing services counties. 

Starting from 2023, the county councils will decide on the organization of health, social and rescue services transferred to them from municipalities.

During the municipal elections, TEK suggested that municipalities should invest in genuine digitalization and that they should digitize their services. Now TEK demands the wellbeing services counties to do the same.

– The services transferred to the wellbeing services counties should be built to serve people reliably, quickly and efficiently. Examples of these services include the health sector’s Koronavilkku mobile app and the rescue services’ 112 Suomi mobile app. It is vital that the counties are not afraid to automatize matters that can be automatized, and that they will let the competent staff focus on matters that require a human approach, says Juhani Nokela, reminding us of TEK’s election objectives.

TEK offers its members running as candidates the possibility to create their own election page, which we will publish on our website. This page also contains a sign-up form with instructions on how to create your own page, and a summary of TEK’s county election objectives to support the candidates and make voting easier for other TEK members. 

Create a candidate page here

Check out the candidates
