Content about "history"

Talvinen ulkokuva teekkarisauna Mörrimöykystä.
The newly renovated sauna in Tampere is not just a place to enjoy good löylys. It’s a space reserved specifically for students.
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Antero Hakapää astuu alas nurmitöyräältä Otaniemen kampuksella.
Antero Hakapää and seven other students of materials science and technology were the first in Finland to start using student overalls as their uniform. The group of friends which goes by the name Oopperan Ystävät (“Friends of Opera”) still meets on a regular basis.
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Tampereen teekkarikaste käynnissä, korissa koskeen kastettuja teekkareita.
Higher education in technology began in Tampere in the autumn of 1965.
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Jämeräpartaisen insinöörin patsas Opiskelijakulttuurimuseossa.
The Grim Bearded Engineer (Jämeräpartainen Insinööri) has given the Tempaus order in Otaniemi since 1924.
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Alvar Aallon suunnittelema TKK:n päärakennus kylpee auringonvalossa.
The new main building of the Helsinki University of Technology stirred up heated feelings in Otaniemi almost seventy years ago.
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