Nainen lukee Tekniikka & Talous -lehteä sohvalla.

Alma Talent's magazines for TEK members in 2024

Alma Talent's magazine benefits for TEK members have changed from 1.1.2024 onwards. Your membership benefits will continue to include up to two Alma Talent magazines. Subscriptions to paper magazines will become bundle subscriptions, which allow you to read the same magazine digitally in addition to the paper version.


In our member survey in the spring 2023, we asked about wishes towards membership magazines. Many respondents wished for more flexibility. Now we have updated our benefits related to Alma Talent's magazines, and the changes took effect on January 1, 2024. Read more about the changes below.

We will inform our members about the change by email as well. Please check that your email address is up to date in OmaTEK.

There may be interruptions in the reading of digital magazines and the credentials. We apologize for the inconvenience.

If you switch or add a new digital subscription, you will get an email from Alma Talent to activate your credentials approximately within 24 hours.

What has changed?

Your membership benefits will continue to include up to two Alma Talent magazines. Subscriptions to paper magazines will automatically become bundle subscriptions, which allow you to read the same magazine digitally in addition to the paper version. 

The full membership fee covers two digital magazines. Subscriptions to paper magazines will become bundle subscriptions, which allow you to read the same magazine digitally in addition to the paper version. For bundle subscriptions, we charge a small additional fee due to increased printing and paper costs (Talouselämä €6/year, other magazines €3/year). As a full member, you can also opt out of magazine subscriptions and receive a discount on your membership fee (if you only subscribe to one magazine, the discount is €21/year, if you opt out of all subscriptions, the discount is €42/year). 

Student membership includes free digital versions of Tekniikka&Talous and Talouselämä magazines. In addition, you can subscribe to other magazines in digital or paper format for an additional fee. The prices range from €21 to €57/year depending on the choice of magazine and format.

Pensioner members can still subscribe to up to two magazines for an additional fee. After the update, you can also subscribe to individual magazines. The prices range from €21 to €57/year depending on the choice of magazine and format.

If you wish to continue your subscriptions as before, you don't have to do anything. If you have subscribed to magazines with an additional fee, we will add them to your membership fee invoice for 2024. You can change your subscriptions at OmaTEK or by contacting our member service.

Check and update your subscriptions at OmaTEK

Magazine subscription prices 2024

Prices for different member types

Read more on different subscription options here


Prices for different subscriptions

 Two bundle subscriptions (2 x paper+digital)One bundle subscription (paper+digital)One bundle subscription, one digital magazineTwo digital magazinesOne digital magazineNo magazines
Student (membership is free)For an additional fee, Talouselämä €51/year, other magazines €27/year.For an additional fee, Talouselämä €51/year, other magazines €27/year.According to the pricing of each magazine, depends on choice of magazine.   Membership includes Tekniikka&Talous and Talouselämä. Other digital magazines for an additional fee of €21/year. Membership includes digital versions of Tekniikka&Talous and/or Talouselämä. Other digital magazines for an additional fee of €21/year.Doesn’t affect the membership fee.  
Full member*, OAJ-TEK full member**For an additional fee, Talouselämä €6/year, other magazines €3/year.Talouselämä €6/year, other magazines €3/year. Discount for subscribing to only one magazine is €21/year.According to the pricing of each magazine, depends on choice of magazine.Included in the membership fee (€351/year or €288/year without fund membership). Included in the membership fee, discount for subscribing to only one magazine is €21/year.Discount on membership fee is €42/year.  
PensionerFor an additional fee, Talouselämä €51/year, other magazines €27/year.For an additional fee, Talouselämä €51/year, other magazines €27/year.According to the pricing of each magazine, depends on choice of magazine.For an additional fee, digital version of Talouselämä €27/year, digital versions of other magazines €21/year.For an additional fee, digital version of Talouselämä €27/year, digital versions of other magazines €21/year.Only pensioner membership fee of €48/year.

*except for full members who live abroad or have a spouse discount. 

**OAJ-TEK members can subscribe to one magazine. 

Alma Talent's magazines

  • Tekniikka&Talous (digital or bundle)
  • Talouselämä (digital or bundle)
  • Fakta (only in paper)
  • Mikrobitti (digital or bundle)
  • Tietoviikko (digital or bundle)
  • Arvopaperi (digital or bundle)

Example prices

Membership + magazine subscriptionPrice (€/year)
Full member, member of the fund, two bundle subscriptions (one to Talouselämä)Membership fee 351 + bundle subscription 3 + bundle subscription for Talouselämä 6 = €360/year
Full member, member of the fund, two bundle subscriptions (neither for Talouselämä)Membership fee 351 + bundle subscription 3 + bundle subscription 3 = €357/year
Full member, not a member of the fund, two digital magazinesMembership fee without fund membership €288/year (digital magazines included in the membership fee) 
Full member, member of the fund, one digital magazineMembership fee 351 + digital magazine included in the membership fee – discount for subscribing to only one magazine 21 = €330/year
Full member, member of the fund, one bundle subscription (not Talouselämä)Membership fee 351 + bundle subscription 3 – discount for subscribing to only one magazine 21 = €333/year
Full member, not a member of the fund, one digital magazine and one bundle subscription (bundle subscription Talouselämä)Membership fee without fund membership 288 + digital magazine included + Talouselämä bundle subscription 6 = €294/year
Full member, member of the fund, no magazines Membership fee 351 – discount for two magazines 42 = €309/year
Pensioner, two bundle subscriptions (one to Talouselämä)Membership fee 48 + bundle subscription 27 + Talouselämä bundle subscription 51 = €126/year
Pensioner, one digital magazine (not Talouselämä)Membership fee 48 + digital magazine 21 = €69/year
Pensioner, no magazinesMembership fee €48/year
Student, two digital magazines (Tekniikka&Talous and Talouselämä)Included in the membership fee
Student, two digital magazines (other than Tekniikka&Talous and Talouselämä)Digital magazine 21 + digital magazine 21 = €42/year