Hidden jobs – how to find them?
Besides making contact and following your professional channels, you can also trick your mind to help you find employment opportunities.
Have you ever noticed how once you become interested in a certain thing that thing seems to pop up almost everywhere? If you are planning to buy a new car, all of a sudden you will see cars on the street that are just like the one you mean to buy. Or if your family is expecting a baby you will suddenly see babies and pregnant women everywhere.
In reality, however, the number of cars or pregnant women has not grown. When a subject is topical for us, our observations become more focused on that subject. In these situations our subconscious mind serves as our subcontractor that helps us utilise the resources we have that fall outside of conscious thinking.
The goal steers observation
To harness the power of your unconscious mind, you must have a clear mental picture of what you are looking for. Describe to yourself in detail what you are after, what good reaching this goal will give you and when do you want to reach it. It is important that you think about your goal carefully. If you set out to look for a solution that does not suit you, you will find yourself following the wrong signals.
Be sure to give your subconsciousness the opportunity to make observations. Make sure you process information on where suitable opportunities might be found on a daily basis. The subconscious cannot work wonders on its own; you must feed it with suitable information. So go and explore those themes and subjects that you find most interesting.
You should also silence your inner critic at this stage and be open-minded about all the information you find. Do not get bogged down in a single idea about the perfect solution for you. Sometimes the end result is something that you did not even think about initially but it ends up suiting you very well.
Stay positive. When you adopt an optimistic mindset you will be drawn to messages that reinforce your positive outlook. However, remember to be merciful towards yourself. Stepping out of one's comfort zone is not easy, but by opening your mind to new opportunities you are also gently practicing how to cross those barriers.
Eight ways to find hidden jobs:
1. Follow the media. Decide which media you wish to monitor. What are the most important regional newspapers, what are the most notable publications in your profession, which websites should you follow online and which social media networks are worthwhile to participate in?
2. Find growing companies. Growing companies often want and need to recruit new employees but they have very little time or money for recruitment drives. You can find lists of growing companies in economic magazines such as Talouselämä or Kauppalehti.
3. Company expansions and reforms. Relocating to new premises, establishing new functions, winning bids or the outsourcing of projects often result in a need for new employees.
4. News about appointments. Appointment news are always a source of opportunities. If a company is replacing its management it often results in changes at other levels of the company as well. On the other hand, many people who start in a new job leave behind a vacancy that probably has not been made public yet.
5. Be present on social media. 90 % of recruiters use channels such as LinkedIn when scouting for professionals. Be bold in your networking and be active in various groups. If a job seeking campaign on social media seems like a natural thing for you, give it a go. By sharing your home page or video you gain visibility that may lead you to the right employer.
6. Networks. Networking is not just for hypersocial people but in today's world everyone can find a suitable way to network. Networking takes on very diverse forms and it can be done even from your couch at home. Use the channels of networking that suit you: LinkedIn and other social media, exhibitions and conferences. Expand your network boldly and be active in different kinds of professional discussions, either in person or online. Also remember to utilise your own professional networks and circle of acquaintances. Tell your network what you can do and what you are looking for.
7. Direct contact. You should directly and boldly contact employers that interest you and send them an open application and CV. Choose the targets you approach carefully before making contact. Think about why you want to work for that particular company. Familiarise yourself with the company, find a contact person to approach and think about what additional value your expertise could give them.
8. Recruitment systems. You should regularly update your information on the pages of different recruitment and headhunting companies and maintain active open applications in the electronic systems of the target companies. Recruiters also browse existing open applications when looking for new professionals.
Read more on why jobs are hidden here.