
Council decided to shorten TEK's student membership period

News article

TEK’s General Council held its spring meeting 24–25 March in Tripla in Pasila, Helsinki.

The Council decided to shorten TEK’s student membership period from ten to seven years. Prior to this, it has been possible to be a student member of TEK for up to ten years without demonstrating that you are still actively studying. The Council decided that student membership will from now on be valid for seven years instead of ten.

The proposal to amend the rules came from TEK’s student liaisons who pointed out that seven years is also the average duration of university studies and the right to study period. Free student membership may be extended even after seven years if the member can provide proof that they are actively studying.

The Council also decided to accept the proposed amendments to the paragraphs of the election order. The perceived needs for change were related to observed inconsistencies and the modernization of the paragraphs, among other things. TEK’s General Council will once again be elected next year.

The council initiatives presented in the meeting concerned the development of remote participation in meetings and training events, supporting the return of students to on-campus communities, learning from the COVID-19 pandemic, mentoring activities, preventing discrimination against people of foreign origin in working life and taking a stand on the plight of professionals in social care and early childhood education and care.

TEK membership continues to grow

TEK’s CEO Jari Jokinen presented the development of TEK membership in his current review. TEK membership has continued to grow since 2019. TEK is one of the affiliates of Akava that has grown the most. Newly graduated professionals also remain members of TEK better than before.

– Thanks to our data project, TEK can also gain deeper insight into its members and monitor the factors affecting member commitment and the use of services.

However, Jokinen pointed out that there is still a lot of work to do, the data project is not finished.

Tech professionals have a key role to play in the green transition

According to the Chair of TEK’s Board Mari-Leena Talvitie, Europe has been living in a new era for the past month that also affects technology professionals and the use of technology.

– Europe is now considering its future energy solutions, and tech professionals have a key role to play in the green transition, she emphasized.

TEK, on the other hand, has an important role as it lends support to technology professionals. Talvitie envisions a future where TEK would be able to anticipate and provide services to its members that they may not even know they need yet.

The General Council is the highest decision-making body of TEK and its members are elected from TEK’s members in a democratic election. The Council election is held every three years. The Council appoints TEK’s Board and makes decisions on finances, such as the membership fees. The Council usually meets twice a year.
