Henkilö puhuu puhelimeen puhelinkopissa, äänieristetty, heijastus

Tools and information for job seekers

Here you can find useful tools and information for your job search.
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Update your CV and cover letter 

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Find the best job search channels

  • Get to know the most common job search channels in Finland. 
  • Join TEK's own LinkedIn group TEKrekry, which is a networking and job posting platform for TEK members, employers, and recruiters. In TEKrekry you can discover open vacancies and participate in professional networking with almost 10 000 members! 
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Build and improve your skills and competencies

  • You can build, expand, and strengthen new competencies, for example, while working, studying or during periods of unemployment. Read more about different alternatives.
  • Also check out our events and courses organized in English. 

Consider the option of setting up your own business

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The right salary request

Job offer

When you are offered a job, make sure to review your employment contract with our lawyers.

"I was asking about how to search for companies in Finland to switch jobs. I was guided by TEK career coach and she was helping me a lot in making my CV and cover letter to target Finnish companies."
- Member feedback