Autojättien yhdistyminen peruttu – Trumpin tulliuhittelu vauhditti fuusion kaatumista
News and blogs
News and blogs

Work life
Blog post
Blog: Equal work, unequal pay
Equal pay for equal work - fair and justified, and even stipulated by the law. Nevertheless, pay parity for men and women often seems like an elusive and unattainable goal.

News article
Universities are learning to be more neurodiverse
Universities in the field of technology support students’ neurodiversity with individual arrangements, for example. Hundreds of students are already utilising these arrangements, and the demand for them is growing.

Blog post
Blog: What if the world felt different?
What if your brain worked differently than most of your peers? Imagine that clothes felt like sandpaper, that painfully bright lights were too dim for everyone around you, and that party music makes you feel like you’re a maracas being shaken.
All news and blogs

Blog post
Thank you, thank you and thank you
Although I am leaving TEK’s management, TEK is not leaving me.