On Sunday Jan 2nd, Technology Industry Employers of Finland and The Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff YTN approved new collective agreements for the technology, consulting and ICT services sectors, both YTN and Technology Industry Employers say in their statements.
In each agreement, the cost effect of raises will be 1.8 percent for the first year. The wage solution for the second year will be agreed upon next autumn.
The agreements cover some 100 000 employees. The agreement for the ICT services sector was also approved by the Association of IT Sector Employees.
– YTN demonstrated its desire and ability to reach solutions in a difficult labour market situation. The reached solution does not fulfil our goals in every respect, but in this situation it is the best possible negotiation result that our membership was also ready to accept, says TEK’s Labour Market Director Teemu Hankamäki in a statement. (read more in Finnish)
In the statement, Hankamäki considers the retaining of the general raise as part of the wage solution to be the most important aspect of the agreements for our members. The share of the general raise is 0.9 % in the wage solution for 2022.
– It needs to be emphasised that the employer side wanted to get rid of the general raise entirely until the very last stretch of the negotiations. This would have left some senior salaried employees completely without a raise. Of course, the size of the general raise could have been something different, but it is great simply to retain it, Hankamäki continues.
– It is wonderful that senior salaried employees are able to be among the first to reach significant solutions during a difficult negotiation round. For our part, we strive to ease the turbulence in the labour market.

The statement issued by Technology Industry Employers highlights the historic significance of the agreement. (read more in Finnish)
– The number of senior salaried employees in the tech industry is large, which is why the headway made with YTN is significant and, in many respects, historic. We extend our thanks to our negotiation partners for constructive negotiations and reaching the agreements without resulting to strike threats, says the employer side’s lead negotiator Anne Somer.