Slight increase in wages of Masters of Science in Technology

News article

In October 2015, the median salary of a person with a Master of Science in Technology degree in regular employment was EUR 4,750, and the average salary was EUR 5,224 per month. The median salary rose by 1.1. percent from last year.

The median salary for those who had completed their Master’s degree in Technology in 2015 was EUR 3,320 and average salary EUR 3,399. This data is based on the information gathered from Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK members in the labour market survey.

Of respondents in full-time employment, 62 percent reported that their salary had increased from the previous year. The salary had remained the same for 30 percent and decreased for three percent. The most usual reason for the salary increase was a general increase. Of all the respondents whose salary had increased, 56 percent had received the general increase. A total of 29 percent had received an increase based on their personal performance.

Six in ten within the scope of performance bonuses

Approximately six out of ten respondents who were full-time employees reported that they were included in a performance bonus scheme. Performance bonuses are most widely used in the industrial sector where more than three respondents in four are included in a performance bonus scheme.

Approximately 79 percent of the employees included in a performance bonus scheme had received a bonus in the last 12 months. When measured with the median, the average performance bonus was around six percent of annual income.

The data for the TEK labour market survey was collected in October 2015. The target group was TEK members in the labour market. In total, there were more than 11,000 responses. The most common degree of the respondents was a Master of Science in Technology. Those working in expert positions were the largest group of respondents.

More results from the labour market survey will be published in early 2016.


Salary (€/month) in October 2015 (regular hours and employment)
  Median age Median salary, € Change of median salary, %


All respondents 40 4720 0,4 5 185 ± 43
Masters of Science in Technology 39 4750 1,1 5 224 ± 50
Architects 45 4119 -1,0 4 311 ± 133
MSc in natural sciences 40 4364 -0,6 4 656 ± 116
Licentiate or doctoral degree 46 5119 0,0 5 621 ± 141