Builders of sustainability
Those doing meaningful work do not have to compromise on economic goals. TEK Magazine presents six Finnish companies that are building a more sustainable world in a meaningful way.
TEK's theme for 2021 is sustainability. Sustainability comes from action. In Finland the world is improved one invention at a time.
We present six Finnish companies that are successfully building a sustainable world:
Finnos: Log scanner sees the inner beauty
Bioretec: Biodegradable implant reduces suffering
Cadmatic: Niche software opened the world for guys from Turku
Modulight: A precise laser for fighting cancer from Tampere
Turku Energia: Turku will soon be heated with only renewable energy
UniqAir: COVID-19 meant a boost for air purifier company
Builders of sustainability is TEK's 125 year anniversary series, where we present Finnish companies that advance sustainability in their operations.