A versatile and well abled team
TEK's office employs a total of about 70 people. Our organization is diverse and multi-disciplined. The average age of the staff is just under 45 years.
We work with wide and diverse issues within our four main functions; Services and Membership Experience, Working Life, Social Impact and Research, and Internal Services and Communication. The largest professional group within our staff are graduate engineers and the second largest being lawyers. Other educational backgrounds among our staff include Economics, Educational Sciences, and Social Sciences or Political Science.
Get to know TEK and TEK's work on Instagram and Twitter #TEKintöissä.
Our culture of care and support
One of TEK's values is caring. In everyday life, it is visible both from the employer and among colleagues. We want to be exemplary in our personnel policy. We work continuously to be a health-promoting workplace. We regularly measure the atmosphere through personnel surveys. We monitor and promote equality, inclusiveness and non-discrimination. We also have various methods of supporting and developing well-being, such as recovery measurements and various seminars and coaching. We pilot and constantly learn how to improve the workplace and working life of our staff.
Monday morning coffee in Teams
TEK has a work culture based on open dialogue. A Workshop based approach is typical for us as a way we help each other develop. As a work community, we come together to decide our best work methods and principles. The whole group meets once a week in on Monday mornings for coffee – in at the office or remotely. During these events, presentations are given from internal or external experts, current issues are reviewed quarterly, activities will be developed or news is exchanged.
Staff Development
In our type of organization, much of the learning is work-oriented; new things are learned from co-workers, members, networks and working in everyday life. We support the development of competence and we train diligently both as a team and in personal coaching and training. We have models, platforms and partnerships for systematic skills development that ensures TEK has all the necessary expertise for now and for the future.