Please note, that this is a translation of the original privacy statement in Finnish. If there are discrepancies between the translation and the original privacy statement, the original privacy statement is considered to be valid.
Privacy statement for TEK's services and membership register
1 Joint controllers and contact person
Name: Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK
Address: Ratavartijankatu 2
FI-00520 Helsinki, Finland
Telephone: +358 09 2291 2291
Business ID: 0117014-0, 0201522-2
TEK is an association formed by two unions and therefore some of the functions (and units) are legally divided between Tekniikan Akateemisten Liitto TEK ry and Tekniikan Akateemiset ry. As a consequence of this, TEK has employees in both unions in legal terms, but in practice all of our employees work together. TEK’s private members are members of Tekniikan Akateemiset ry.
Contact person: Satu Taivainen (Manager, Customer Services and CX)
E-mail address:
2 Data protection officer
3 Data subjects
The register for Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK (hereafter Organisation) processes personal data of members, previous members, elected officials and contact persons related to the organisation’s activities.
4 The purpose and legal grounds for processing personal data
Personal data is processed in order to represent the interests of the members and to provide services and benefits for the members and stakeholders. Personal data is also used for managing the member relationship and for the development of services and customer experience.
The main legal ground for processing personal data is the Organisation’s legal requirement to maintain a register and the implementation of the membership agreement. Some processing measures are performed on the basis of the Organisation’s legitimate interest.
The information about the members’ union membership is processed in relation to the Organisation’s union activity. Data is protected with appropriate safeguards. Trade union membership information is disclosed to the limited elected officials at the workplace, to the Organisation’s negotiation organisation YTN regarding strike activities in order to ensure compliance with the obligations and special rights of the data controller or the data subject related to labour law or representation of interests. In addition, membership information is disclosed to service providers providing services and benefits to members in order to fulfil the service delivery.
In relation to the membership, the members’ contact details and personal data are used for; member relationship management, communication, invoicing and delivering services and benefits to members.
The legal basis for handling the social security number is to reliably and unambiguously identify a member in order to secure their legal protection, benefits and rights as a member.
Personal data is also collected and processed when members are in contact with the Organisation’s experts or leverage the membership services, including but not limited to legal services, career services, salary counselling, health and wellbeing services and other similar services. This data may also include sensitive data. Such data is processed only for the purposes of delivering the service. Access to sensitive data is limited to those employees and/or contracted advisors, who have a role based need to access and proceed such data.
The Organisation also collects and processes data of members’ contact and services history and feedback on services.
5 Content of the data file
The Organisation processes the following personal data of their members:
- name and social security number
- contact details (address, e-mail address and telephone number)
- membership number or customer identification number
- gender
- invoicing and payment details
- education information
- nationality and language
- career, employment or life situation (such as; family leave, unemployment, entrepreneurship)
- place of work and employer information
- memberships and honorary posts in the Organisation or in communities relevant to the Organisation
- members’ contact and services history
- feedback on services
Personal data is also collected and processed when members are in contact with the Organisation’s advisors or leverage the services. Data collected from members, or other relevant stakeholders depending on the case, may include also sensitive data, such as data disclosed for the purposes of representing the member in a legal matter or establishing a legal claim, health data, ethnic background, salary information and other relevant information regarding member’s career, employment or life situation.
6 Regular sources of information
The personal data will be collected from:
- the data subject;
- external service providers about the use of membership benefits (Alma Talent) and address updates (Posti Oy);
- other unions (Trade Union of Education (OAJ), Finnish Association of Civil Engineers (RIL), Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA), Tekniska Föreningen i Finland (TFiF), Ornamo Art and Design Finland); and
- universities and higher education institutions.
7 Regular destinations of disclosed data
The personal data will be collected from:
- the data subject or relevant stakeholders named by the data subject;
- external service providers about the use of membership benefits (Alma Talent) and address updates (Posti Oy);
- other unions (Trade Union of Education (OAJ), Finnish Association of Civil Engineers (RIL), Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA), Tekniska Föreningen i Finland (TFiF), Ornamo Art and Design Finland); and
- universities and higher education institutions.
8 Transfer of data out the EU or the EEA
The data will not be transferred outside the EU or the EEA.
9 Storing period
Membership data will be stored for as long as the person has a valid membership. After the membership has ended, personal data will be stored for a maximum duration of ten (10) years on the basis of the Organisation’s legitimate interest, i.e. for legal claim defence purposes (KKO 2017:15). Personal data may also be stored for longer than ten (10) years if the applicable law or the Organisation’s contractual obligation towards third parties require longer storing periods.
Personal data collected during a service process is stored for the duration of the process, and depending on the service, data is further stored for several months or years or in some cases for up to ten (10) years after the delivery of the service. Data gathered for legal claim purposes is stored for up to ten (10) years after the delivery of the service.
Conctact and services history is stored for as long as the person has a valid membership and for a maximum duration of ten (10) years after the termination of membership on the basis of the Organisation’s legitimate interest.
10 Data subjects' rights
The data subjects have the right to object the processing of their personal data for the purposes of direct marketing. The data subject may agree or forbid the Organisation to send them thematic direct marketing materials.
In addition, the data subjects have the right at any time and in accordance with the relevant legislation to:
- be informed on the processing of their personal data;
- have access to their personal information and verify the correctness of the data concerning them and processed by the Organisation;
- demand rectification of any inaccurate or incorrect information and to have incomplete data completed;
- demand the erasure of their data;
- withdraw their consent and object to the processing of their personal to the extent that the processing is legally based on the data subject’s consent;
- object to the processing of their personal data on the grounds of their personal situation for the processing that is legally based on the benefit of the Organisation;
- receive their information in a machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller, providing that the data subject has provided the information to the Organisation him- or herself, the Organisation is processing the information based on the data subject’s consent and the processing is conducted automatically; and
- demand restricting the processing of their personal data.
The data subject must request the implementation of the abovementioned right via the means provided in this description’s Contact section. The Organisation has the right to request the data subject to specify their request in writing and to verify the identity of the data subject prior to processing the request. The Organisation can reject the requests on grounds provided in relevant legislation.
11 Right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority
The data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint to the relevant supervisory authority, or to the supervisory authority of the EU member state where their place of residence or work is located, should the data subject deem that the Organisation has not processed their data in accordance with relevant legislation.
12 Data protection
Personal data that is processed digitally is secure. It is saved to the Organisation’s information systems, and access to the systems is given only to personnel who need access in order to do their work. These persons use personal user IDs and passwords.
The personal data has been secured against external access and the use of membership data is monitored. All data subjects have been issued with their own personal user IDs and passwords. All personal data sent outside the Organisation is encrypted. All workstations and data devices used in the Organisation are encrypted.
13 Contact
Requests concerning the usage of data subjects’ rights, questions on this description and other matters must be made via e-mail to the Data Protection Officer:
A data subject may also contact the Organisation in person or in writing at the following address:
Tekniikan Akateemisten Liitto TEK ry
Membership register
Ratavartijankatu 2, FI-00520 Helsinki, Finland
14 Amendments to this description of personal data file
This description of personal data file can be updated, for example if the relevant legislation is amended. This description was last updated on 14 November 2022.