03 Documents


The documents you use in your job applications, such as your CV, cover letter, portfolio or LinkedIn profile, are your business cards for the employer. They tell potential employers about your skills, experience, achievements, motivation and what you are like as an employee.


Applying for a job

Remember that there is no one right job application template or way to apply for a job. It is important that you write about yourself, your skills and your goals in a personal and clear way. As a general rule, you should write your job application and CV in the language in which the position or job opportunity was advertised.

Tailor the content of your documents to the employer and the position you are applying for. In addition to the traditional CV and cover letter, social media and executive search are increasingly used in recruitment. This is why digital CVs or profiles, such as LinkedIn, play an important role in your job search.

Articulating your skills

Before preparing your job application documents or applying for jobs, you should take a moment to identify and articulate your skills. You will then be in a better position to provide employers with useful information about yourself, your skills and your goals.

Before you submit any job applications, it is also a good idea to clarify the direction you want your career to take and draw up a plan for your job search. Planning will help you make decisions that are meaningful to you. Identifying your skills will help you to think about the kind of jobs you would like to apply for. This will also make it easier to communicate your skills at different stages of the job search. So first, it is worth learning about career planning and how to identify and articulate your skills here.

More about recognizing your skills ‹
You will find resources for reflecting and communicating your skills in the first part oft the Workbook.