Content about "employee representative"

Harri Kaarre (vasemmalla), Mika Mäntymäki, Marko Honkalampi ja Marko Määttä juttelevat viikonlopun ylitöistä CATR-kammion (Compact Antenna Test Range) edessä. Oranssit piikit ovat absorbereita, jotka vaimentavat signaalit.
Work life. Many mistakenly fear that working as a shop steward will stand in the way of career progression, says Marko Honkalampi. “It doesn’t, as I myself can testify.”
News article

Henkilöitä istuu TEK Loungessa Tampereella.
The position of trust allows the employee to have a say in workplace matters together with the employer. Many workplaces in the private sector will soon be electing new shop stewards. Have you considered running for the position?
Blog post